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"Typocrite du signe", texts collection  of the "Labyrinte du temps" - LDT poems and theater

In constant evolution, Typocrite du signe is a reservoir of poetic texts from the Labyrinthe du temps.

These texts can be performed separately (theater), sung within the LDT scores, projected visually, or interwoven into polyartistic real-time scores (textual, musical, visual, gestural completion).

These texts are grouped into sequences, with no real beginning or end: the reader, actor, musician or dancer is invited to create his or her own labyrinthine trajectory in this space of signs, sounds, movements, sensations...

For a theatrical or polyartistic interpretation of these texts (mastery of agogics, nuances, timbre, durations, displacements, etc.), please refer to document 3, Règles d'interprétation du Labyrinthe du temps - théâtre, danse, musique.

The level of reading or interpretation is adaptable to any context, from theatrical initiation to professional levels of high virtuosity (dissociated polymorphies).

Order - publication

For publication requests or special orders, with or without LDT images, please contact:

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